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Plagiarism Checker X

A complete plagiarism checker or anti-plagiarism software.

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Size: 16.66 MB
  • Latest Version: 9.0.3
  • License: Freeware
  • Final Released: 18/03/2024
  • Publisher: Plagiarism Checker X, LLC
  • Operating Systems: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2
  • System Type: 32 bit & 64 bit
  • Setup File: PlagiarismCheckerX_Setup.exe
  • Category: Utilities
  • Uploaded: Publisher

About Plagiarism Checker X

Plagiarism Checker X is a complete anti-plagiarism and duplicate content checker software that is built with the user in mind and data protection at its core, regardless of your profession.

It is suited for anyone who deals with writing. Students, teachers, bloggers, SEO experts. Any website owner can use the tool to check plagiarism in their assignments, research papers, and blogs.

Fast Keyword Analyzer: It is a comprehensive tool that searches your content on more than 10 billion pages. After scanning, it delivers detailed and colourful HTML reports in a quick and accurate way. The software helps in online plagiarism checking, cross-comparison of multiple documents, keyword searching, bulk searching, and website scanning.

Support Multiple Languages: Plagiarism Checker X is compatible with multiple languages (50 plus) and file formats like docx, doc, txt, and PDF. The software is available in 7 languages including English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Dutch, and Portuguese but you can detect plagiarism and support many other languages and sources.

Free Anti Plagiarism Software: The application searches in leading search engines: Google and BING to bring the sources to your desktop without harming your data privacy, unlike other solutions which take your data to the server first and then process it.

Worldwide Duplicate Content Checker Software: UK, Malaysia, Germany, and Canada as well as renowned global institutions such as the University of Massachusetts and Ohio University are already enjoying the benefits and ease of using the duplicate checker program. It’s your turn now.

Minimum System Requirement

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