About Us

FileOur was designed in 2018 according to your needs and any useful software for use on your personal PC. So that a Windows user can purchase the desired software at any time. Here all software download links and descriptions provide only the target of getting a review to use on your PC very smart.

FileOur site is any software that is freeware, shareware, trial, or demo version but not full function. Because this is fully free for review without warranties or guarantees.

FileOur does not share any software illegally. Doesn’t even violate copyright. No license, crack, patch or keygen. All articles have “More technical details” at the bottom. Here is the license information for the related software.

Just we review the software and get the download link from the software publisher’s site. All content has been used fairly in full respect of US copyright law under 17 U.S.C. § 512. Because it is non-commercial.

Most of the software download links we share are directly from the publisher’s site. We do not modify any software.

If you want any software with an original license please kindly directly contact a publisher to buy the full version and full-function software.

You are free to access it anytime on the FileOur site. Every post and subject matter of this site has been collected from various sources online, after which some updates have been made from personal resourcing in many cases.

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