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An open-source audio recorder, editor and mixer.

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Free Download
Size: 15.61 MB
  • Latest Version: 3.6.1
  • License: Freeware
  • Final Released: 22/07/2024
  • Publisher: Audacity team
  • Operating Systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista | Mac OS X, macOS 10.7 and later
  • System Type: 32-bit & 64-bit
  • Setup File: audacity-win-3.6.1-64bit.exe
  • Category: Audio Editor
  • Uploaded: GitHub

About Audacity

Audacity is a free audio recording, editing and mixing software, distributed under the GNU GPL (General Public License). It is available on all major platforms such as Windows, MAC OS X and Linux.

Audacity has really created a great impact in a very short time due to its remarkable features, which have made users forgo many other audio editing and recording software for this. It has an easy user interface and supports 32-bit floating point audio, which makes it a simple but very useful tool for audio editors. The last thing you need for editing your audio files is to work in a mind-boggling environment, cluttered with design flaws, and you can be sure Audacity offers you no such thing. But the settings might be a bit uncomfortable, at least at the beginning.

Another remarkable fact is the size of Audacity, which is simply 15 MB for its setup file. I am impressed that this freeware uses low-memory resources. It supports various Windows versions, which means that even older PCs that are still running on older versions of the OS can benefit from the software. Although the software is very useful in producing podcasts, it is not really a publishing software. So if you need to publish them, some other software must be used.

When we launched the free audio editor for the first time, it displayed a window showing us different methods of getting help. But need to have an internet connection for help.

On the top left side of the grey user interface were familiar buttons for pausing, playing and stopping. Here are three others for recording and skipping to the start and end. Below them were sliders for selecting the respective levels of speaker, microphone and playback speed. In the middle upper section were buttons for selecting different tools, while the playback and recording levels were on the top right side.

The window displaying audio waves, either of a loaded file or the one being recorded, was in the middle section of the program window. Below them were numbers showing audio position, selection start and either end or length. It also displayed the Project rate and ‘Snap To’ option.

We could let the program use default sound and recording devices on our system or select the specific ones we wanted to use. Recording was as easy as pressing the ‘Record’ button. With the help of Audacity, you can record almost any sort of audio, and one of its many recording benefits includes digitizing analogue recordings from tape. Apart from a microphone, you can even record any sound that you can hear playing from your computer.

Although it is a good idea to make as clean a recording as possible, we did not have to worry too much about where we took our recordings because we could later apply relevant effects to improve quality. For example, we could amplify sounds and then remove noise by selecting a small section with the noise we wanted to filter to generate a noise profile.

In the second step of removing noise, we could adjust noise reduction, sensitivity, frequency smoothing and attack or delay time. We could then choose either to remove or isolate the noise.

When it comes to editing, Audacity is as good as it is in recording and offers you a variety of editing tools, which should fulfil most of your audio editing requirements. You can edit frequently used audio file types such as MP3, among many other extensions, and you can cut, copy or mix various audio file segments.

You can also edit the pitch and the tone of the audio recording. The software is equipped with a remarkable beat analyzer and a mouse zoom feature, which makes the life of an editor much easier. Whether you are looking for the noise reduction feature, cropping, fading, mixing, echo, tempo or other basic features, you will find them all in Audacity. However, it still does not feature many of the sophisticated editing features.

Under the ‘Transport’ menu, we could choose to turn ‘Overdub’ either on or off depending on whether we wanted to erase earlier tracks or create a multi-track file.

Is Audacity Free

Yes, Audacity is fully free of charge. There is no hidden cost.  No registration or hardware purchase is required. Just download – install ___________ enjoy.

It is an open-source audio management software.


How to Install Audacity?

  1. Double-click on the installer
  2. Select the language to use during the installation and click
  3. In the welcome setup wizard click
  4. Read the following license information and click
  5. Select destination location where you want to install it and click
  6. Leave everything at default and click
  7. Setup is now ready to install, so click
  8. Finally, click to launch the software



New To create a new project.
Open… To export saved projects or audio files from the computer. Support the following formats…

  • AUP3 project files (“.aup3) AUP project files (“.aup)
  • WAV, AIFF, and other uncompressed types
  • Ogg Vorbis files
  • FLAC files MP3 files
  • List of Files in basic text format
  • WavPack files
  • MIDI files
  • FFmpeg-compatible files
  • Opus files
Recent Files To show and edit recently saved projects.
Open From Cloud… Export projects or audio files from the online cloud site ( If you are logged in to the cloud, you will see the saved project in a separate pop-up interface. Select your desired project from here. Click on .
Save Project Save Project – Save a new project on the cloud or your computer as you want.
Save Project As… – To save a new project separately.
Backup Project… – To backup a new project separately.
Save To Cloud… Type the project name. Now click and link your Audacity app with Finally, save your project in this cloud storage.
Update Cloud Audio Preview Preview audio that you have saved in the cloud.
Close To close the active project.
Export Audio…

Export your project to the following audio formats…

  • WAV (Microsoft)
  • Other uncompressed files MP3 Files
  • Ogg Vorbis Files Opus Files
  • FLAC Files WavPack Files
  • M4A (AAC) Files (FFmpeg)
  • AC3 Files (FFmpeg)
  • AMR (narrow band) Files (FFmpeg)
  • WMA (version 2) Files (FFmpeg)
  • Custom FFmpeg Export
  • MP2 Files

Audio Channels can be chosen Mono, Stereo or Custom mapping. Export Range can choose an Entire Project, Multiple Files or Current Selection mode.

You can also share your uncompressed audio files on and get the download link. Anyone can download the file in MP3 and WAV audio format.

Export Other To export Labels or MIDI files only.
Import Import any audio files from your computer and edit them.

Supports Audio formats…

  • AUP3 project files (“.aup3)
  • AUP project files (“.aup)
  • WAV, AIFF, and other uncompressed types
  • Ogg Vorbis files
  • FLAC files MP3 files
  • List of Files in basic text format
  • WavPack files
  • MIDI files
  • FFmpeg-compatible files
  • Opus files

Supports MIDI formats…

  • MIDI and Allegro files (“.mid;”.midi;.gro)
  • MIDI files (.mid;*.midi)
  • Allegro files (“.gro)

Supports Labels…

  • Text files (“.txt)
  • SubRip text file (“.srt)

Supports RAW Date…

  • AUP3 project files (“.aup3) AUP project files (“.aup)
  • WAV, AIFF, and other uncompressed types
  • Ogg Vorbis files
  • FLAC files MP3 files
  • List of Files in basic text format
  • WavPack files
  • MIDI files
  • FFmpeg-compatible files
  • Opus files
Share Audio… Share on the internet to show your friends around the world.
Exit To completely close the Audacity software.


Undo Record To go back
Redo To go the next
Cut To cut selected clip
Delete To delete the selected clip
Copy To copy the selected clip
Paste Paste the clip you recently copied
Duplicate To duplicate the selected clip
Remove Special Split Cut
Split Delete
Silence Audio
Trim Audio
Audio Clips Split
Split New
Detach at Silences.
Pitch and Speed…
Pitch Down
Pitch Up
Rename Clip…
Render Pitch and Speed
Labels Label Editor
Add Label at Selection
Add Label at Playback Position
Paste Text to New Label
Typing Creates New Labels
Labeled Audio Cut
Split Cut
Split Delete
Silence Audio
Detach at Silences
Metadata Editor To edit the metadata tag of each exported file.
Preferences To get various settings of all tools including applications.


All To select everything.
None To unselect
Tracks In All Tracks
In All Sync-Locked Tracks
Region Left at Playback Position
Right at Playback Position
Track Start to Cursor
Cursor to Track End
Track Start to End
Store Selection
Retrieve Selection
Spectral Toggle Spectral Selection
Next Higher Peak Frequency
Next Lower Peak Frequency
Audio Clips Previous Clip Boundary to Cursor
Cursor to Next Clip Boundary
Previous Clip
Next Clip
Cursor to Stored Cursor Position Selects from the current cursor position to a previously saved cursor position.
Store Cursor Position Save the current cursor position for use in a later selection.
At Zero Crossings It is used to move the edges of the selected region slightly so that they are at an incremental zero crossing point.


Zoom Zoom In
Zoom Normal
Zoom Out
Zoom to Selection
Zoom Toggle
Track Size Fit to Width
Fit to Height
Collapse All Tracks
Expand Collapsed Tracks
Skip to Selection Start
Selection Eand
History To view and manage all the steps you have taken since opening a project.
Mixer To view the Mixer tool.
Toolbars Reset Toolbars
Transport Toolbar
Tools Toolbar
Recording Meter Toolbar
Playback Meter Toolbar
Edit Toolbar
Cut/Copy/Paste Toolbar
Play-at-Speed Toolbar
Device Toolbar
Selection Toolbar
Time Toolbar
Spectral Selection Toolbar
Share Audio Toolbar
Audio Setup Toolbar
Snapping Toolbar
Time Signature Toolbar
Timeline Minutes and Seconds. Beats and Measures
Enable Extra Menus
Show Track Name as overlay
Show Clipping in Waveform


Playing Play/Stop
Play/Stop and Set Cursor
Play Once/Stop
Recording Record
Record New Track
Timer Record…
Punch and Roll Record
Scrubbing Scrub
Scrub Ruler
Cursor to Selection Start
Selection End
Track Start
Track End
Previous Clip Boundary
Next Clip Boundary
Project Start
Project End
Looping Enable Looping
Clear Loop
Set Loop to Selection
Set Loop In
Set Loop Out
Rescan Audio Devices
Transport Options Set sound activation level…
Enable sound activated recording
Continuous scrolling
Hear other tracks during recording
Enable audible input monitoring


Add New Mono Track
Stereo Track
Label Track
Time Track
Mix Mix Stereo Down to Mono
Mix and Render
Mix and Render to New Track
Remove Tracks
Mute/Unmute Mute All Tracks
Unmute All Tracks
Mute Tracks
Unmute Tracks
Pan Left
Align Tracks Align End to End
Align Together
Start to Zero
Start to Cursor/Selection Start
Start to Selection End
End to Cursor/Selection Start
End to Selection End
Move Selection with Tracks
Sort Tracks By Start Time
By name
Keep tracks synchronized (Sync-Lock)


Plugin Manager
DTMF Tones…
Rhythm Track…
Risset Drum…


Plugin Manager
Add Realtime Effects
Repeat Last Effect
Volume and Compression Amplify…
Auto Duck…
Loudness Normalization…
Fading Adjustable Fade…
Crossfade Clips
Crossfade Tracks….
Fade In
Fade Out
Studio Fade Out
Pitch and Tempo Change Pitch…
Change Speed and Pitch…
Change Tempo…
Sliding Stretch…
EQ and Filters Bass and Treble….
Filter Curve EQ…
Graphic EQ…
High-Pass Filter…
Low-Pass Filter…
Notch Filter…
Shelf Filter…
Noise Removal and Repair Click Removal…
Clip Fix…
Noise Gate…
Noise Reduction…
Delay and Reverb Delay…
Distortion and Modulation Distortion…
Special Invert
Truncate Silence…
Spectral Tools Spectral Delete
Spectral Edit Multi Tool
Spectral Edit Parametric EQ…
Spectral Edit Shelves…


Plugin Manager
Plot Spectrum…
Beat Finder…
Find Clipping…
Label Sounds….
Measure RMS


Plugin Manager
Macro Manager
Apply Macro Palette…
Reset Configuration
Run Benchmark…
Nyquist Plugin Installer…
Nyquist Prompt…
Regular Interval Labels…
Sample Data Export…
Sample Data Import…

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