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Apache OpenOffice

Open-source and full free office program.

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Free Download
Size: 136.06 MB
  • Latest Version: 4.1.15
  • License: Free
  • Final Released: 24/12/2023
  • Publisher: The Apache Software Foundation
  • Operating Systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7 | macOS (OS X) 10.5 to 10.15
  • System Type: 64-bit
  • Setup File: Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.15_Win_x86_install_en-US.exe
  • Category: Office Program
  • Uploaded: Publisher

About OpenOffice

Apache OpenOffice is the most complete and free replacement for Microsoft Office software suite. It is distributed free of charge by the main developer, Oracle/Sun. Using the new office program, you can open and edit ODF documents, but also in Microsoft formats (including the new ones based on OOXML).

OpenOffice was originally a product of a German company called StarOffice. But when the company decided to build an open-source software place online, the program started to be an alternative option for Windows Microsoft Office. Today, the download percentage of it is fast and growing higher as it is free, whether you are a beginner or a pro.

It has the advantage of being available in 49 languages and supporting multiple document formats. Awesome it uses low system resources. I have tested,

This free office suite is documented with APIs licensed under LGPL and SISSL protocols, and written in C++. It simply means that if you are an expert developer, you can take advantage of its source code.

If you want to just use its simple functions that’s possible even if you are a beginner, as it’s pretty easy to use. When you download it and you start using it, you soon realize that it is intuitive. You will find it easier if you are used to working with Microsoft’s suite.

Why OpenOffice for PC

Apache OpenOffice main interface screenshot


Open Office’s important features are presently used in other software, comparable to Microsoft. Fast, consistent and continuous developments in this program are being made by different volunteers. Especially since it is now handled by more experienced developers. A good sign that the program is recommendable is the overwhelming patronage from the public. This is why new features are coming out for a better user experience.

In general, OpenOffice has all the features of an office suite. The features of this program include writer, calc, impress, drawing, math and base.

OpenOffice Writer

Text Document: It is a modern word processor, fully equipped to provide many features for creating and editing documents that include graphs, tables or charts. It can be easily used by anyone. OpenOffice is easy to use like the counterpart Microsoft Word, Write almost has the same tools as Word.

For all your documents, Writer has all of the good stuff you need to create professional papers. The Wizard is a good way to start if you are starting a new one. It will guide you step by step through the process of creating diagrams, indexes, memos, and other publishable content.

Simple to use, both for creating basic documents such as notes, faxes, letters, resumes and merged documents and complex documents with bibliographies, reference tables and indexes, contains language verification tools, formatting, styles, index, references, illustrations and other items.

The web layout will expand the image on the whole window while the print layout will display a page in the center of the main window. There are available all kinds of toolbars and various text document settings. The menu is similar to MS Office Word so those that have used this application will have no problems in using Open Office for Windows 11.

You can select a certain font size for your documents, bold or italics letters, etc. If you encounter difficulties in using and navigating through the options you should know that there is a Help section. Here you can find a a comprehensive guide about how to use Open Office’s latest version and its tools.

You can save documents in different formats including standard and ODT formats, Microsoft Word DOC and DOCX or HTML formats. You can easily export documents in PDF or XHTML (.html / .xhtml).

If you work with different languages, the program can handle that too. Any mistake types can be corrected right away with the AutoCorrect dictionary. Other features similar to Word are AutoComplete, text frames and linking, table of contents and more.

OpenOffice Writer Text Document screenshot

OpenOffice Calc

Spreadsheet: Apache OpenOffice provides a spreadsheet just like MS Excel. If you want to create any kind of spreadsheet to calculate, present or analyse your data, you can do it with Calc. The features are suitable both for beginners (with an intuitive interface) and for professional users.

It also has a multitude of advanced features like Statistical and banking functions for complex calculations. A great scenario manager to see the immediate result of the changed term of the calculations. Despite these, Calc offers many features, including natural language formulas, DataPilot, Intelligent Sum button, Scenario Manager, Calc Solver, and Wizards. Calc also allows collaboration, so other users can input additional data to your file.

When working with a Spreadsheet, the buttons on the left-hand side will help in creating different types of charts. A bar, pie, net chart and line graph are all available with chart wizards to help automate the process.

There is also a Form Functions button that pops up a toolbar containing Check, Text, List and Combo box buttons, as well as Date, Time, Numerical, Formatted, Currency and Pattern Field buttons.

Only Spreadsheet files have access to Database User tools that include defining and selecting a Range as well as Sorting, Filtering and giving Subtotals and more. These also support ODBC / JDBC compliant databases.

It allows the addition of database tables, spreadsheets can be used as data sources for creating letters in Writer. Also, you can create dynamic charts that automatically update whenever you change the data and save documents in different formats including ODF Spreadsheet format (.ODS), Microsoft Excel (.xls/.xlsx), dBASE (.dbf) or HTML. You are also able to export documents in .pdf and .html.


OpenOffice Calc screenshot

OpenOffice Impress

Presentations: Impress is a simple alternative to PowerPoint. It is an effective tool for creating professional multimedia presentations. The Presentation slide palettes are very intuitive and are floating with Insert Slide, Modify Slide Layout, Slide Design and Duplicate Slide available for selection. There is a ruler on top and left of the slide. On the upper right-hand side are 5 different views to choose from Drawing, Outline, Slide, Notes and Handout as well as a button to Start Slide Show.

With many tools for creating vector graphics, you can use 2D and 3D images, fonts, special effects, animation and templates to make anything you want. There are several views available for editing your presentations. Impress also supports multiple monitors, tool bookmarking, and a lot of diagramming and drawing tools.

When opening the Presentation module on the screen, a presentation wizard window. Here you can select “Empty presentation, From template and Opening existing presentation. If you don’t want to deal with the wizard you can choose the “Do not show this wizard again” option. In the Presentation section, you can create excellent presentations as there are plenty of tools to do that.

There is a slideshow option, slide design, slide layout and slide. You can zoom the image and also add a hyperlink. There is also available a table and a chart. These are just a couple of editing tools that can be found in the Presentation module.

You can also customize the interface so that the tools we commonly use are just a click away. Impress supports saving documents in different formats like .odp, .ppt, .pptx, or HTML. You can easily export documents in .pdf, Macromedia Flash (SWF) and many other image formats like BMP, JPG, PNG and SVG.


OpenOffice Impress screenshot

OpenOffice Draw

Vector Graphics: Apache OpenOffice is a tool that allows you to create both simple and complex schemes. It contains a gallery of images, animations, sounds and other objects. You can use both in Draw and in other programs. You can create simple 3D objects like cubes, spheres, and cylinders and even change their sources. Inserting tables, charts, formulas or other objects created in programs has never been easier.

You can connect objects using special lines called connectors to show the relationship between objects, useful for creating organizational charts and technical diagrams. With Draw, anyone can easily export documents like PDF, HTML (.htm / .html), XHTML (.html / .xhtml), etc. So if you want to create dynamic 3D illustrations and diagrams, you can do it with Draw, although it could be a bit more complicated.

OpenOffice Draw screenshot

OpenOffice Base

Database: Base is a useful tool for creating and manipulating databases. Has both an intuitive graphical interface and an SQL interface. With Base, you can create, modify and delete tables, queries, forms and reports using the database engine or HSQL. The base will help you import and export data in different formats.

Base fully integrates with other Open Office tools, so supplying address books in Writer and linked data in Calc is a cinch. Draw can handle most image formats, and one surprising function is its ability to create Flash versions of your files.


OpenOffice Base screenshot

OpenOffice Math

Formula Editor: Math can help you to create any kind of mathematical equation. It looks almost like Microsoft Equation Editor. If you want, you can do the necessary math from here and apply it to any document.

OpenOffice Math screenshot


Templates can be created from scratch or downloaded. There are available all file types are Templates that include selectable 3D Effects, Backgrounds, Bullets, Rulers, and Sounds. There are different styles and formatting options you can use.

You can download different extensions and templates from the developers’ website to take advantage of its customizable features. One of the most-used extensions is the Present Console Extension which lets you see the next slides, time left, and notes while you are doing an oral presentation. Just an incredible add-on!

OpenOffice Template and Documents


Overall, the user interface of Open Office applications may not satisfy long-time Microsoft program users. But if you need the basic functions for drawing, calculating, and writing, these programs can serve the purpose well. Much effort is given not to imitate any of Microsoft’s interfaces, so users can expect a big difference when looking at both suites.

Some users even say that these programs are dull-looking, but it really depends on your visual preference. So if you want you can get a direct official download link from Apache. If you want more information about OpenOffice free, you can find it on the Wikipedia website here.

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