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Torrent movies, games, mp3 downloader.

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Free Download
Size: 3.52 MB
  • Latest Version: 7.11.0 Build 47117
  • License: Free
  • Final Released: 26/06/2024
  • Publisher: BitTorrent Inc.
  • Operating Systems: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP
  • System Type: 32-bit & 64-bit
  • Setup File: BitTorrent_free.exe
  • Category: Download Managers
  • Uploaded:

About BitTorrent

BitTorrent is a P2P file exchange application based on the protocol of the same name, to let you download any content from the Web, for free. Thanks to its intuitive interface and its multiple features. There are many powerful options to customize your connections without knowledge of the program.

BitTorrent’s interface is clean and clear and doesn’t deviate from the standards defined for this type of program. Thus, you’ll find several modules and windows that are very similar to the ones you can find in uTorrent.

That means that you’ll find a main window that lists all the active downloads, a side column with the different categories and sections (exclusive contents, subscriptions, connected devices) and a search field that will let you find the contents you want.

You’ll also see a space in the lower part of the torrenting program, consisting of multiple tabs that show you different data items about the specific transfers. In this latter case, you’ll find information such as the number of peers connected, transfer speed, ratings and diverse graphics.

The interface is highly intuitive and won’t present any problems when you start to use it. This is especially true if you already have some experience with similar programs.

Easy Operate

Besides being able to download various torrents, you can also create them. To do that you need to go to File and then click ‘Create New Torrent’. The downloading torrents at any time can be paused, stopped or deleted.

When a download is complete you can choose to make the application shut down automatically. Also, you can make your computer hibernate, standby, reboot and shut down.

In the preferences menu, you can set up the directory. Here you can set the connection, bandwidth, scheduler, playback etc.

Fast Performance

I like it a lot Bittorrent because just like uTorrent, it doesn’t take lots of system resources. The great thing about this app is that it is extremely fast. It is the only torrent client that is faster than uTorrent. You can run up to more than 10 torrents simultaneously.

Fast Download

If you use a less bandwidth Internet connection, BitTorrent 2024 full version allows your downloads to move a lot faster from any downloading site. It directly received a dramatic rewrite in his disks I /O, which gained significant performance in multitasking.

For example, you can remove files from the floor or move the torrents to any new location. But this software can also download from normal speed to a whimsical speed.

Download both at low and high speed according to your own opinion, whether you are writing to a local disk, a RAID, or a network drive. With this, you can see the improvement of the disk subsystem and rate limiter.


A feature that really caught my attention was the scheduler. With this, you can limit the download speed on certain days of the week or for the entire week if you want. You can limit the upload speed and you can apply it to all your torrents as the only option.

It is not as complicated as other torrent clients such as Vuze. There is plenty of speed available. One of the most important things: it is light on your system resources.


One of the most important is the apps, which is based on the protocol of the same name. This protocol is characterized by the use of torrents, which contain the address of a “search server”. The protocol allows people downloading the file to upload (distribute) parts of it at the same time. As a result, you can download the desired files.

Search Torrents Easily

The software offers you the traditional features of any file exchange client. Thus, you’ll have a built-in torrent search engine, a video player and options to customize its look.

Simple Installation

Another of its important characteristics is its instant installation. Once done, every time you enter a website that contains a BitTorrent link. Finally, the download window will open. It also includes the option to continue with interrupted downloads.

Always Updated

Like any program, it is dedicated to providing a more updated version. The first step for an update was acquiring its competitor, uTorrent. The combination of the two only made a better P2P experience for past, present and future users.


The application is packed with far better features than what it used to have. Its free feature is the playback option while the download is in progress. Based on my analysis, it is a free, safe and reliable sharing program.

Offline Installer

At first, these apps provided offline installers. But currently offline installer is not available. So you need to download its online installer. In this case, required an internet connection while installing the apps.

FileOur offers the complete latest version of torrent download software. It supports Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP tries to use on your personal computer.

It has provided two separate versions for the convenience of the user.

  • Fast torrent client
  • Available search bar
  • Light on system resources
  • Menu for categories
  • Multiple download facilities at a time
  • Move big files quickly and efficiently
  • Unlimited downloading files
  • Instant play while in progress downloading your media files
  • Can auto-adjust bandwidth connection to get more downloading speed
  • Advanced customization for torrent experts
  • Simple setup file and light on resources
  • Fast download speed.
  • Bulk torrent downloader for PC.
  • Advanced customization for torrent experts.
  • Small setup file and light on resources.
  • Always avoid slow downloads.
  • Can be scheduled for download.
  • Remotely manage torrent files.
  • Take up memory space
  • Slow down
  • Many ads

How to Install BitTorrent?

  1. Double-click on the .exe setup file
  2. Click “Next>” to continue
  3. Next
  4. Read the License Agreement then click on “I Agree”
  5. Choose Install Options as you like and click “Next>”
  6. Check or uncheck the additional settings as you like and press the “Finish” button

Finally, if you want to allow a private network to access this app you can click “Allow”. But if you don’t want to give access press on “Cancel”.

BitTorrent main interface screenshot BitTorrent add torrent screenshot BitTorrent torrent download screenshot BitTorrent best settings screenshot


  1. iqrah 09/04/2020 at 11:48 am

    It’s an awesome app it makes my downloads alot does one become a patron?

  2. Aks 19/05/2020 at 8:01 pm

    Thanks Dude Keep it up. Fast Download.

  3. admin 20/05/2020 at 10:05 am


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