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Disk Drill

Up to 500 MB of free Windows data recovery software.

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Free Download
Size: 27.14 MB
  • Latest Version: 5.7.1704
  • License: Free
  • Final Released: 13/12/2024
  • Publisher: Cleverfiles
  • Setup File: disk-drill-win.exe
  • Category: Backup and Recovery
  • Uploaded: Publisher

About Disk Drill

Disk Drill is free and premium data recovery software for PC. It recovers up to 500MB of data for free. However, to recover unlimited data, you need to purchase a premium version at a small cost.

In this case, if you have a small amount of lost data, you can recover it in the free version.

This application is aimed at those who may have unrecoverable hard drives or partitions. It actually recovered most of your data off of this failed hard drive which was completely awesome.

They have a free version but they also have a pro version. Its heart will do most of the things that you want to do through its free version.

Simple Users Interface

Disk Drill very simple to do. It will try to recognize any attached volumes. So anybody who does remote support definitely this might be something. You can just throw it on your laptop with a hard disk dock.

It will try to look at any of those drives and recover what it can. It’s pretty much as simple as pressing a button. It will scan the hard drive. Try to rebuild any file tables.

Hard Disk Recovery

It tries to recover any data. It is trying to build up your hard drive back again. So that you can recover the data and set this to automatically copy any data from the recovered hard drive to maybe a disk on your desktop.

Multi-Functional Facility

Here you have multiple options for trying to recover data. I think it’s a scanning of the free space right now and trying to build up.

Auto Scan

It can automatically scan specific files such as photos, music, video, or documents whatever you want it to find. You can preview the files before you bring them in.

You can set this to automatically copy any data from the recovered hard drive to maybe a disk on your desktop. It’s a scanning of the free space right now.

Formatted Drives and Disk Recovery

It tries to rebuild any of that data from formatted drives and disks. So that you may be able to just use the hard drive again or just have enough time to bring everything off. It’s very simple and straightforward.

It may take a couple of hours, may take a couple of days but it will try to recover and rebuild as much as of it as.

Free of Cost

If you’re interested you can download the free version or upgrade to the pro version. Here you can download the basic one for fully free.

After all, It will recover as much as it can and you can back up anything. In the Disk Drill Pro version, there are a little bit more tools.

In conclusion, this is the best free audio, video, image, document, and more data recovery software.


Free Disk Drill 4 Basic Limitation

Minimum System Requirement

Supported Operating System

Supported file system
It can recover FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS drives as well as EXT2, EXT3, EXT4 based drive.

Required: You must be an administrator user to get the maximum benefit. Required Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable.

Disk Drill for PC Free Download latest version Download Disk Drill for Windows 10, 8, 7 Free Data Recovery Software

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