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CPU-Z for PC

Freeware system monitoring and diagnostics tool.

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Free Download
Size: 2.13 MB
  • Latest Version: 2.09
  • License: Freeware
  • Final Released: 19/01/2024
  • Publisher: CPUID
  • Operating Systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7
  • System Type: 32-bit & 64-bit
  • Setup File: cpu-z_2.09-en.exe
  • Language: English
  • Category: System Info
  • Uploaded: Publisher

About CPU-Z

CPUID CPU-Z gives you a real-time report of your PC’s main devices or hardware. So you can quickly know all the information of Windows system at a time. As a result, get all information in one platform.

This is a freeware program created by CPUID. It aims to provide you with an in-depth report about all the components inside your system. It can only provide details and monitor your system’s processor.

Its interface has seven tabs which offer information about the CPU, Mainboard, Memory and Graphics as well. The interface looks very basic but it contains many features that you may need.

CPU: The first tab is the CPU tab. Here are details about the following information.

Mainboard: This tab is commonly called the motherboard interface. Here you will see the following details…

Memory: The third tab is the Memory section where you will see the following information…

SPD: The other tab called the SPD (serial presence detect) provides you with the following information…

Graphics: The fourth tab is called the Graphics interface. Here you can see information about your computer’s graphics card whether internal or external.

Bench: This tab is not that important but if want you can also know CPU signal thread, CPU multi thread, Benchmark version etc.

About: The last tab provides some information about this app. In this interface, there is a section called Windows Version where you will find information about your operating system.

On the bottom, a nice feature is the ability to save all reports to your PC. Simply click on the ‘Save Report’ to save every information of your system in one click.

It has some more useful features that you can check once you install this small app on your computer or laptop. Hope it will be useful.

  • Easy to use
  • Simple installation
  • Free of cost
  • Real-time monitoring of your system information.
  • Processor name and number, codename, process, package, cache levels.
  • All information is provided in a separate window.
  • Any report is saved in a different format like plain text or HTML.
  • Real-time measurement of each core’s internal frequency and memory frequency.
  • Provides less information than other advanced applications, provides just basic data
  • Cannot be maximized application
  • In my opinion, the font size would have been a little bigger

CPU-Z for PC_CPU_screenshot CPU-Z_Mainboard_screenshot CPU-Z_Memory_screenshot CPU-Z_SPD_screenshot CPU-Z_graphics_screenshot

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