
Remote Desktop Manager (RDM)

Connect all your client computers on a single platform.

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Free Download
Size: 284.27 MB
  • Latest Version: 2024.3.27.0
  • License: Free
  • Final Released: 22/01/2025
  • Publisher: Devolutions Inc.
  • Operating Systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7
  • System Type: 32-bit & 64-bit
  • Setup File: Setup.RemoteDesktopManager.2024.3.27.0.exe
  • Language: English (US)
  • Category: Remote Desktop
  • Uploaded: Publisher

About Remote Desktop Manager

Remote Desktop Manager (RDM) helps to perform a remote job. You can remotely manage many configuration tasks on servers and workstations in other locations. Using the remote software, these workloads can be done in a remote setting instead of physically moving closer to the machine itself.

Moreover, it does not use third-party tools such as that of TeamViewer. Furthermore, it is a mechanism that is already inherent to Windows systems. So it is something that can be used without any cost at all.

The best thing about a Remote Desktop Manager is that it is loaded with advantageous features that are user-friendly. First, it can be easily arranged or configured. Second, it is readily connected to Terminal Services. You only need to click the mouse to be able to do the process of configuration.

Speaking of the security capability of the software, you need not worry about anything because a Remote Desktop Connection Manager is very much protected and secured. In the latest Windows versions, it can be utilized conveniently for links known as WAN. This is done by deploying regular-TS-based encryption on all remote connections or connecting it to the Terminal Server Gateway using SSL.

What exactly is this tool for using all these incredible configuration systems in a remote process? Well, it employs the built-in RDC client known as the mstc.exe. The said mstc.exe RDC Client is already installed as default to most Windows versions.

Apart from this, if you need some updates to the main component of your remote desktop software, this is already easily available to you through Windows Update. On the contrary, msts.exe has a limited capability in terms of its connection power when you have to connect many machines to the mstc.exe.

For example, to enable the user to remember the appropriate and essential credentials and settings of several computers, he should devise many shortcuts to mstc.exe for each connection. Likewise, each connection must have its settings, too. Therefore, it is somewhat of a tedious process.

If you want to download Remote Desktop Connection Manager, go to the downloading page. Actually, the performance of the latest version 2024.2.13.0 is really great.

The software known as the RDMan can be perfectly used for the easy management of server labs, that need to be accessed regularly.

Free Features


Required: Microsoft .NET 8.0

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