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Free Download
Size: 2.17 MB
  • Latest Version:
  • License: Free
  • Final Released: 14/01/2022
  • Publisher: NeoSmart Technlogies
  • Operating Systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7
  • System Type: 32-bit & 64-bit
  • Setup File: EasyBCD.exe
  • Category: Boot Manager
  • Uploaded: Fileour.com

About EasyBCD

EasyBCD 2024 may be a good boot entry manager that permits you to switch the entries on your bootloader.
NeoSmart Technologies has provided these utilities free of charge to everyone.

I’ve been using it for an extended time now and I thought I’d mention it to you because many of you’re trying to find something to manage Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 dual boot machine, or another OS. With it, you’ll easily access boot configuration data and operate dual boot on your computer OS.

Easy Bootloader Tool

This is a really easy utility to use and truly, it’s quite powerful also. There are a few options here that allow you to tweak the boot entries of your bootloader. this is often complete dual boot manager software.

For example, if you’ve got Windows 10 and Windows 8 both installed on different partitions immediately. You wanted to switch the order during which they load for instance on the boot menu rather than having Windows 8 is 1st and Windows 10 is 2nd or Windows 10 is 1st and Windows 8 is 2nd position.

You can change that around by getting into here and modifying those entries. So it’s extremely simple you’re just getting to change settings which one may be a default OS that you simply want to point out.

Windows boot manager

When it first boots up and provides you with the menu Windows 8 or Windows 10. So obviously you’ve got to possess Windows 8 or Windows 10 installed first then, you put in this utility then you’ll modify the order and the way much time the menu stays there.

  1. You know by default it’s 30 seconds.
  2. Can make it 15 seconds,
  3. You can even add more options to the boot menu as well,
  4. Can modify what it says on it,
  5. Ability to add additional entries as well.

How to Use EasyBCD to Dual Boot

So let’s enter add and take away entries here. for instance, if you’ve got a dual boot machine and you have got the Windows 10 bootloader. It shows you the 2 operating systems but you’ve got all.

So Linux was installed but it’s hidden from view so the Windows bootloader doesn’t know. you’ll actually use this utility to feature another entry for a special OS that you simply may need also installed and perhaps you’ve got a dual or triple boot whatever. It’s not there on the menu.

This utility allows you to feature and point to Master Boot. Record the boot sector area on the drive where the OS information is.

If you are looking into modifying your bootloader this definitely is the best program to try to do it.

As well as all kinds of users can use it for the idea of efficiency. This program can be created and run through various sources like networks, USB, virtual disk drives, ISO images, and lots more.

It’s also capable of setting the default bootloader, fixing the Windows bootloader, creating custom boot sequences, changing your boot drive, hiding the boot menu, and more.

FileOur offers the completely EasyBCD free latest version for Windows all operating systems.


EasyBCD screenshot EasyBCD screenshot 2 EasyBCD screenshot 3


  1. Jue Spider 11/01/2023 at 10:31 pm

    With Windows 11, EASYBCD unfortunately only works incorrectly, because there is always an entry:
    Added ” Windows Bootloader” which, if selected, only reports errors.

  2. admin 14/01/2023 at 9:52 pm

    You can uncheck it and try again.

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