

Fix “Cannot Delete” or “Access Denied” problems easily.

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Size: 2.14 MB
  • Latest Version: 1.3.0
  • Final Released: 25/09/2023
  • Publisher: IObit
  • Operating Systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7
  • System Type: 32-bit & 64-bit
  • Setup File: unlocker-setup.exe
  • Language: English, Arabic, Español, Czech, French, Deutsch Hungarian, Nederlands, Polish, Русский, 简体中文, 繁體中文, Dansk, Suomi, Italiano, 日本語, Svenska, Türkçe
  • Category: Utilities
  • Uploaded: Publisher

About IObit Unlocker

Unlocker is one of the most complex unlocking utilities. It can close handles and kill processes without rebooting, deleting, renaming or moving the locked files. It also has a few other tricks that other similar programs lack.

A common Windows error is “Cannot delete file: It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again”. This dialog box can be very irritating since you know you are not doing anything wrong. The error appears because that file is currently “locked”, meaning a program/process is using the file.

Many programs will help you with this problem, but the best in my opinion is the IObit Unlocker for Windows.

Be Sure:

  1. First, be sure not to delete any system files or folders in system32 directory. This process may cause system errors.
  2. Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.

Be Careful:

The moment you unlock an object, you should look carefully at the name of the process that controls it. Otherwise, you risk stopping important Windows processes. This process may Windows operating system.

Fix Such Problems

How to Install?

  1. Double-click on the installer
  2. In the welcome setup wizard click
  3. Read the following license agreement and click
  4. Select the destination location where you want to install it and click
  5. Leave everything at default and click
  6. Finally, click to launch the software

How to Use?

Easy Method

  1. Run the tool.
  2. Simply click on the button. Select the files/folders you want to unlock and press . You can also drag and drop files/folders here.
  3. Click . But press ∨ on the right side for more functions.

Advanced Method

  1. The application is integrated into Windows Explorer. So all you have to do is right-click the file you wish to delete and click “IObit Unlocker”.
  2. Is the file/folder you want being used by another program? So it is not being removed. Don’t worry. Here you can see the processes that locked the corresponding file, including their PIDs (Process Identifier).
  3. Click . But press ∨ on the right side for more functions.

You can also perform the following functions…

Do you know the problem where you want to delete a file but get the error message that the file is locked? Then this program is ideal for you. The program installs itself in the context menu, you can access it at any time!

IObit Unlocker screenshot  Unlocker_screenshot_3

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