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Microsoft Office 2013

Create, edit and share experience with Word, Excel, OneNote or PowerPoint.

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Size: 2.04 GB
  • Latest Version: 2013
  • License: Trial
  • Publisher: BitTorrent Inc.
  • Operating Systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7
  • Setup File: HomeStudentRetail.img
  • Language: English
  • Category: Office Program
  • Uploaded: Publisher

About Microsoft Office 2013

Microsoft Office 2013 is a well-known productivity package developed by Microsoft. Compared to the 2010 release, it includes several enhancements, fixes and new features that will turn user’s experience into a richer one.

However, there is one characteristic that stands out from the rest, compatibility with Cloud services. Now, users will be able to store their documents online and sync their Microsoft accounts between different devices. So the user will work with their Office files no matter where they are.

MS Office 2013 works on tablets, smartphones and computers that do not have Office installed. The only thing users have to do is get connected to the Net and use ‘Office on Demand’.

This software, as always, includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Outlook, OneNote and Access applications. But they all have in common a new characteristic; they provide a much cleaner and optimized design for touchscreen devices and full compatibility with cloud services.


Microsoft Word 2013

This program is probably the most known and most widely used Office program. It will allow you to create textual documents, allowing you to print, format, and save these documents. You can insert images, add text, and edit the text color, size, and font. It is often used to create resumes, letterheads, fax sheets, and letters.

Word is by far, one of the most popular programs of the suite.

Microsoft Excel 2013

Data entry is the sole reason for using Microsoft Excel. You can store data in massive amounts of tables. Then you can create graphs of all kinds: pie, chart, line, 3-D graphs, etc. with the data.

There are also formulas within the program to calculate interest, average deviation, and standard deviation. The program is a “must-have” for companies looking for an easy way to enter their data, earnings, etc. and calculate with it.

Excel adds a time-saving functionality called ‘Flash Fill’. It’s a data assistant that will detect what you are willing to do and will enter the rest of the content (considering some pre-established behaviour patterns). This way, you can forget about macros or extra formulas of auto-fill.

Also, each spreadsheet has now its own window, which allows working with several ones at the same time. Moreover, through ‘Chart recommendations’ you will be recommended the chart that suits best with your data.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2013

PowerPoint is used to create a slideshow presentation. The program will allow you to create each slide from scratch or use a template. On each slide, you can add text effects and animation, images, etc. After you are done creating all your slides, you can run the presentation in a slideshow manner.

PowerPoint improves projection views and presentation set-up, widens shapes, themes and transitions variety, and includes more zoom capabilities.

Microsoft OneNote 2013

Today is the age of digital technology. Similarly, OneNote is a digital notebook to create and store all your notes. Your notes are automatically saved and searchable. It offers an improved ‘Read Mode’ aimed to provide an ‘E-Reader’ feeling, by removing toolbars and thus, distractions too. Besides, one of the most appreciated enhancements is the possibility of opening and editing PDFs.

Microsoft Access 2013

This program plays an important role in designing, managing, and creating databases. The program is mainly used for small businesses because it’s easy to use.

There are several things that can be stored in a database, for example, a phonebook of a company. Each entry could store the Name, Phone Number, Email, and Title of the certain employee. Microsoft Access can coincide with Visual Basic (another Microsoft program, which is a programming language and environment).

Microsoft Outlook 2013

Microsoft Outlook is an emailing program. It allows you to send and receive attachments, and hook several email POP3 accounts all at once. All you need is the ingoing/outgoing addresses, and you can get emails within it. The files are all saved; Outlook is often used to create HTML messages with ease. You can add attachments, store address/contact lists, etc.

Outlook supports ‘Exchange Active Sync’, a characteristic that will make it possible to receive notifications from social networks like Flickr.

Microsoft Publisher 2013

This program is used to mainly create publishing items such as newspapers, magazines, business cards, flyers, etc. The program has predefined templates for each one. You can create magnificent flyers and magazines. But the program should not be the main source to create a full-fledged newspaper, for something like that you’d need a more complicated program.

  • Tablets, smartphones, and even PCs with no Office installed are supported
  • Automatically upgraded
  •  Sharing files is much easier: all the possible options are joined in File > Share
  • Users can hold ‘Shared Meetings’
  • Enhanced ‘Open’ and ‘Save As’ options. Now there is no need to browse and scroll dialog boxes to select them
  • Cloud service integration allows sharing files and saving them in OneDrive with around 20GB devoted to storage Interface ‘Metro’ style.
  • It keeps ribbon appearance and adds touch-enabled controls
  • Users can choose between recent files or different templates at the moment they get started. Now they won’t have a default blank file
  • Microsoft Office 2013 performance can be complemented with an Office 365 subscription-based, the most familiar and Internet-oriented package
  • If you want to read further information about MS Office 2013 offline installer before you decide to download it.
  • Microsoft Office 2013 no longer supports Windows XP operating system.
  • The disappearance of Office 2007 and Office 2010 chart styles
  • The removal of some relevant Outlook functionalities, like the Outlook Activities tab or Outlook Mobile Service (OMS)
  • This suite has removed Microsoft SharePoint Workspace, Microsoft Clip Organizer and Microsoft Office Picture Manager.

System Requirements

The minimum system requirements for the download and setup of Microsoft Office 2013 are listed below:

Full Offline Setup

MS Office 2013 Home & Student HomeStudentRetail.img
MS Office 2013 Home & Business HomeBusinessRetail.img
MS Office 2013 Professional ProfessionalRetail.img
MS Word 2013 WordRetail.img
MS Excel 2013 ExcelRetail.img
MS PowerPoint 2013 PowerPointRetail.img
MS Outlook 2013 OutlookRetail.img
MS OneNote 2013 OneNoteRetail.img
MS Access 2013 AccessRetail.img
MS Publisher 2013 PublisherRetail.img
MS Project 2013 Professional ProjectProRetail.img
MS Project 2013 Standard ProjectStdRetail.img
MS Visio 2013 Professional VisioProRetail.img
MS Visio 2013 Standard VisioStdRetail.img

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