Dot NET Framework 4.7.2 logo, Dot NET Framework 4.6 offline installer, Dot NET Framework 4.6 official download, Dot NET Framework 4.6 full setup file

.NET Framework 4.6

A Free C#, F#, and Visual Basic Apps development.

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Size: 62.41 MB
  • Latest Version: 4.6
  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Setup File: NDP46-KB3045557-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe
  • Language: English (US)
  • Category: Framework
  • Uploaded: Publisher

Open-Source Programming Languages

The Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 is the latest technology that supports applications for building and next-generation XML Web services.

This is designed only by Microsoft Company using their desktop applications with .NET technology. So it is also called Microsoft Dot net framework.

Here get the Microsoft Dot NET offline installer download link from the Microsoft Corporation official site.

C# Programming Language Download

This is related to the runtime environment features of Microsoft. The final release of Windows includes the Dot NET Framework 4.6 version.

It provides a runtime environment for coders of their programs that can work with some programming languages at the same time.

You can easily write your .NET apps in C#, F#, and Visual Basic across several programming languages. It is also a completely free maximum of the Androde apps development tool. So if you will be making an advanced app developer. In a word, it is the first choice of your career.

Cross-Platform Development

Microsoft .NET Framework is a refreshing free programming tool. The computer with which the small and big program is developed. Its coding system is very advanced and easy to use.

Microsoft. Net Framework 4.6 has been developed in conjunction with Visual Studio 2015. As a result, you will find some interesting new features in the old version.

This tool is needed to install those programs on your PC or to open it later in the installation. This means that most of the programs built on the Microsoft Dot NET Framework should be installed before installing it on your PC. But not all software.

There is so much software that it is impossible to set up without this tool. So if you download and install the latest version of it, your PC will be very advanced.

Different languages supported by this are very large and include all major programming languages. Including C#, C ++, Visual Basic Net, Perl, and Python. You can download it here by downloading it free here.

Although it works on Windows 10 or above operating systems. Here is the full standalone installer download link for this program.

Full Setup Download for PC

Download this file for free. Once downloaded, the Dot NET Framework 4.6 can be installed offline without any internet connection.

The developing tool is a complete add-on update. However, on this site, there are also Microsoft Dot Net Framework 3.5, 3.5 service pack 1, 4.7.2.

If you want, you can see its special features from Microsoft’s official site. You can also use it even by downloading it.

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In conclusion, the Dot Net Framework helps you to build all your apps such as desktop apps, web apps, mobile apps, gaming apps, and more apps.

FileOur offers a completely free download link for laptops and desktops. However now easily get the programming tool and enjoy its full facility of it.

Dot NET Framework 4.6 including CLR Version 4.0 and IDE Released of Visual Studio .Net 2015

This tool is developed in two separate features such as .NET Framework 4.6 full offline installer, Developer Pack, and Runtime.

Runtime Pack: The runtime includes everything you need to run existing apps/programs built with .NET Framework.

Developer Pack: The developer pack is used by software developers to create applications that run on .NET Framework, typically using Visual Studio.

Offline Installer: Therefore, you can download and save your tool completely. You can install it on your PC without an internet connection feature.

So you can download and use it as per your requirements.


System requirements

  1. Platform: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista Service Pack 2
  2. Operating System: 32-bit and 64-bit or x86 and x64
  3. Random Memory: At least 512MB RAM
  4. Processor: 1 GHz or faster
  5. Hard Disk: 4.5 GB of free hard disk capacity

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