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Powerful image processing and file compression tool.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (1 votes, average: 1.00 out of 5)
  • Latest Version: 8.8
  • License: Evaluation
  • Final Released: 26/04/2024
  • Publisher: Power Software Ltd.
  • Operating Systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP
  • Setup File: PowerISO8-x64.exe
  • Language: 38 different languages includes English, Arabic, French etc
  • Category: Compression
  • Uploaded: Publisher

About PowerISO

PowerISO is an ISO file processing utility, to open, extract, create, edit, compress, split and convert CD/DVD images. The program offers full compatibility with ISO and BIN CUE formats.

The program’s interface has been designed with a simple layout, which helps beginners to use it without complications. During the installation, the program asks for the destination path, file extension association, shell integration, and number of virtual drives required for image mounting. These parameters can be modified from the Option’s menu at any time.

Once PowerISO is started, it is possible to create a new image from the file’s menu. By going further into the menus we see the classic elements that can be found in most of the Windows applications: File, View, Action, Tools, Options and Help.

File View Action Tools Options Help
Open file…
Open CD / DVD / Blu-ray drive…
Open USB drive/ hard drive…
Save as…
Image properties…
Recent files
Tool bar
Explorer bar
Properties bar
Status bar
Large icon
Small icon
Sort by
Navigation pane
Preview pane
Select all
Invert selection
Add boot information…
Delete boot information…
Save boot information…
Edit boot image file…Copy to clipboard
Cut to clipboard
Paste from clipboard
Open with…
Open with default viewer
Add files and folders
New folder
Change label
Append data to disc….
Erase rewritable disc…
View drive/ disc information….
Copy CD/DVD/Blu-ray disc…
Make CD/DVD/Blu-ray image file…
Rip Audio CD…
Audio converter…
Virtual Drive
DISM Tool…
WIM ESD Converter….
Convert ESD to ISO…
Copy USB drive to image file…
Write image file to USB drive..
_ <No drive >
_ Set number of drives.
_ Unmount all drives
_ Options
Create bootable USB drive…
Clean USB drive…
View/Edit sector data…
Test disc surface…
Make floppy disk image file…
Write floppy disk image file…
Convert file format….
Test file…
Search in image file…
Create checksum…
_ blue
_ bluesky
_  flower
_ gray
_ silver
_ painting
_ Custom
_ Background Image …
Help contents
Online help
Check for updates…
Product support
PowerlSO homepage
About PowerlSO…

PowerISO Toolbar

Almost at the top left of the window, you have a separate button…

New – Data CD/DVD
– Append data to disc…
– Audio CD
– Mixed Mode CD
– Video CD
– Super Video CD
– Floppy disk image…
– Hard disk image…
– Zip archive
– 7z archive
To create a new ISO image file easily.
Open – Open file…
– Open CD / DVD / Blu-ray disc…
– Open USB drive/hard drive…
To import ISO files that are stored on your hard drive. Support  .iso, .daa, .rar, .zip, .7z, .cab, .001, .bin, .cue, .mdf, .mds, .ashdisc, .bwi, .b5i, .lcd, .img, .cdi, .cif, .p01, .pdi, .nrg, .ncd, .pxi, .gi, .fcd, .vcd, .c2d, .cdr,*.dmg, .bif etc.
Save To save your image file on your computer.
Add – Add files and folders… Add button, which you can use to add various files and folders.
Extract To extract a zip file with a few clicks.
Delete Delete the selected files and folders as you want.
Copy – Copy CD/DVD/Blu-ray disc…
– Make CD/DVD/Blu-ray disc image file…
To copy CD, DVD, or Blu-ray disc to another image file.
Compress To compress image files or folders. You can password-protect if you want.
Burn Burn button, which can be used to burn on CDs or DVDs all the images that you have created.
Mount – Set number of drives (1 drive to 23 drives)
– Unmount all drives
– Options (Autostart/Automount)
To mount or unmount virtual drive.
Help In case you encounter some difficulties when it comes to this aspect you can always check the Help section.

DAA (Direct-Access-Archive) is usually a sophisticated format regarding graphic records. PowerISO provides a few sophisticated capabilities such as compression and security password safeguard.

When entering Options you can choose to change the look of the interface by selecting from the available skins. Some of them look pretty good while others are not so great. Also in the Options section, you can choose various file associations, operate settings on your virtual drives and many others.

Power ISO supports thirty-eight different languages such as English, Arabic, Armenian, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Malay, Norsk, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese and Kazakh.

Now you may think that this is the perfect CD/DVD burner tool for you. The first thing that you have to remember is that to fully take advantage of all of those features you need to buy the program. It is a shareware license. But you can evaluate the software. The trial version can not create or edit image files greater than 300MB. If you want to remove the limitation, you need to buy the Power ISO full version license code and activate it for Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 with the registration code.

After you have installed the program and you start it you instantly figure out that this is not a free application.








Audio Disc

Virtual Discs

Bootable USB Drives

PowerISO main screen screenshot 2 PowerISO main screen screenshot 4 PowerISO main screen screenshot PowerISO main screen screenshot 3

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